Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild ByLaws

Article 1 – Name The name of the guild shall be Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild and shall be referred to as SLMQG.

Article 2 – Vision What is a modern quilter?

The Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild promotes the art of modern quilting through education and community. Members advocate for modern quilting by encouraging other quilters and sharing their own work.

Article 3 – Membership

Section a. Membership in SLMQG is open to anyone residing in the state of Utah. Such individuals shall be admitted to membership upon payment of dues. The membership year runs from February  1st to January 31st. Each member is required to keep dues current, payable within the first two months. Members joining after July 1st will pay a prorated amount.

Section b.  Guest Policy. Guests are welcome and encouraged. After two visits or two months of site access, guests are expected to pay dues.

Article 4 Board Members

Section a. SLMQG board consists of President, Vice President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Charity Coordinator, and Technical Coordinator and shall be elected by the membership at the January Monthly Meeting. Persons holding office must be 18 years and over and be a member in good standing. The board will meet as needed. Special committees shall be appointed by the President, as necessary, to carry on the business of the organization. All committees and chair persons are responsible to and accountable to the President.

Section b.  The nominating committee will be formed in November and present a slate of nominees to the general membership in November and secure the permission of each individual nominated.  Board members are determined by majority vote of those present.

Section c. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the January Monthly Meeting and shall remain in office for one year or until their successors have been installed.

Section d. Vacancies in unexpired terms of board members shall be filled by appointment of willing individuals as appointed by the board.

Article 5 Duties of Board Members

Section a. The President shall be responsible for conducting regular monthly meetings, chairing the Board, attending other committee meetings as needed as an ex officio member and performing other duties as required.

Section b. The Vice President (VP) shall be a member of the Board. They shall assist the President as necessary. The VP presides over general meetings in the President’s absence and assumes the role of President the next year.

Section c. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all monthly meetings of the SLMQG and shall maintain permanent records of all meetings, including but not limited to such minutes, attendance, and helping updating the website and calendar.

Section d.  The Treasurer shall receive and bank all SLMQG monies, disburse funds as authorized by the Board and maintain records of all funds.

A brief financial report shall be made quarterly. All expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year and shall present it at the January Annual Meeting. The Treasurer’s books will be audited every year, one month prior to the February meeting by the President and VP.

Section e. The Historian shall take photographs and assist in documenting activities and updating the website/blog.

Section f. The Charity Coordinator shall create and maintain a list of charities interested in receiving quilts. Also propose donation opportunities to SLMQG membership, organize delivery of any quilts made to said charities, and may create a committee as necessary to assist in the role.

Section g. The Technical Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining an online presence and updating SLMQG information at the direction of the Board. The Technical Coordinater creates and ensures that standards of website etiquette are maintained by all members online as necessary, responds to all membership requests in person and/or online and works with the Treasurer to make sure dues are current. Also removes expired members and pending members whose trial period has expired with help from the Board as necessary.

Article 6 Group Meetings

Section a. Group meetings are held once a month.  Special or Board meetings can be called by the President or Committee Chairs.  Sewing Saturdays can be organized and scheduled as needed.

Section b.  Anyone who wants to start a bee can notify an officer and such can be discussed during any monthly meeting.

Article 7 Amendment

The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of SLMQG by a two-thirds vote of present active members, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Secretary previously.

Article 8 – Dissolution

In the event of the disbanding of SLMQG, any and all funds remaining in the Treasury will be turned over to another education, tax exempt, quilt guild or to a charity. The recipient will be determined by a majority vote of the members present at a regular SLMQG group meeting.